1 eat your food until you have hunger and not brimming, with time, you will find the traffic that your brain sends signals to the stomach to gradually reduce the amount of food and healthier body.
2 be careful in the choice of food and the food that you put it on your plate, which made up his mind to add the calories that you eat a certain type of food.
3. not to deprive themselves and feel your body it is forbidden to eat certain foods, or inhibitory to eat a small piece of chocolate.
4 Although NAMI, because not enough hours of sleep lead to vinegar is burning the Huns in the body and affect negatively the process of digestion.
5. keep the exercise regularly, even if a quarter of an hour per day.
6. don't let not your emotions control your diet, sometimes when fall under no pressure, you will find yourself to eat without feeling anything in your hands.
7 makis sûrs Tos Eat Fresh végétables, suc à brocoli.
8 jeeps your breakfast.
9. avoir board ing Libra délie Learn lose whist th rough your formé in your clottes, if You Have To clim Up à the squale the N Be once à web.
10. no Need To stress, overbooké, calmis required, fora du et solve the problème, because the tension Will Make You Eat more, the result Will Be he opposite, your whist Will Increase.
10 Secrets to keep fit
Reviewed by Saraxarin

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