4 reasons to resist weight loss
Do not produce the resistance of the body to theprocess of reducing the weight of a poor diet or amalfunction
Do not produce the resistance of the body to theprocess of reducing the weight of a poor diet or amalfunction
Alehiah, in the style, despite the fact that many followthe same regimes and strict programs
Intensive training followed by Akhron, but they fail torealize this as Ohdavhm,
Makes them feel frustrated and desperate to get rid ofthe fat accumulated in the areas in
The bottom of the body and under Algeld, Kalerdavand the thighs, arms and around the waist and thelower abdomen.
In this Alatar, nutrition researchers have managed toarrive at the real reasons hiding behind
The problem Altiazy reasons satisfactory or genetic tospeak of "Madame" Head
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of science at theKing Abdul Aziz, Dr Jalal plus University
1 idle in the thyroid gland
Some of those who are trying to lose weight to rest inthe thyroid gland, which suffers
Secrete thyroid hormone slowly.
In some cases, this can Almttorh, stop the gland
Totally Hermon, secretion leads to an activity or poormetabolic stopover
Ahaana, and therefore the low level of burn the lowestLh body, to begin shopping
Calorie food as fat intake and excess junk increase
Bwazzn, with the appearance of certain symptoms,including the inability to tolerate cold and fixed,fatigue hair loss, and the incidence of constipation,and disorders of memory and changes in thecomposition of Alepeshrh, shall be subjected tolaboratory analysis of the functions of the thyroidgland by a blood test that determines the rate ofknown thyroid hormone B, a hormone TSH «Altherotrovin» Mahfazllgdh the thyroid to produce T3thyroid hormone studies and.T4 showed that the highproportion of hormone TSH in the blood at a ratebetween 45 indicates a problem in the Wazznreduction, and that the body needs to increase activityof the thyroid to improve the combustion process andraises aload rate while the low average hormonethyroid O, T3 T4 free free activity of metabolism areslowly Hdid, and the process of burning calories doesis not sufficient to generate Taqh, which leads to anincrease in desire to eat substances Alsc, Kalhloyatdifferent kinds of chocolate and juice sweetened tosupply the body with the energy required to carry outits activity Aleoma, led to the failure of the body tolose weight.
4 reasons to resist weight loss..Sarah
Reviewed by Saraxarin

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