Health risks to young people and proposed solutions
Serving more than 2.6 million young people from 10-24 years age group die each year for several reasons, largely preventable causes.
Live about 16 million girls from the age group 15-19 years experience childbirth every year.
It is noted that 40% of new HIV infections recorded in 2009 suffered from youths age 15-24.
Faces about 20% of teenagers, at some point, the problem of mental health problems, most commonly depression or anxiety.
There are about 150 million young people who use tobacco.
Perish, about 430 young people from the age group 10-24 years old every day due to violence by some against some.
Cause injuries caused by traffic accidents in an estimated 700 deaths among young people every day.
Most young people enjoy good health. However, each year witnessing the death of more than 2.6 million young people from 10-24 years age group. There are a huge number of young people who are suffering from diseases hinder their ability to grow and develop full form. Many of them are still spirited behavior not only exposes their health at risk at the moment, but also in the coming years. There is a connection between about two-thirds of premature deaths and one-third of the total burden of the disease, which is plagued by adults and between diseases or behaviors began in young adulthood, including tobacco use, lack of physical activity or sex without shelter or exposure to violence.
It is known that the promotion of healthy practices during adolescence and to take measures to improve the protection of young people from the health risks of the critical steps to ensure the health of countries and ensure social infrastructure in the future and prevent health problems in old age matters.
In 2002, the special session on children held by the United Nations General Assembly of the need to "develop and implement policies and national programs on adolescent health, including targets and indicators, in order to promote their physical and mental" approved.
An important frameworks to improve young people's health Millennium Development Goals to which the Mmermaan including, in particular, young people's health.
5 The goal in providing reproductive health services for all, note that the indicators is a pregnancy among girls of 15-19 years age group rate.
The goal 6 in stopping the spread of HIV infection and AIDS, and indicators to reduce by 25% of injuries among young people, and determines that goal proportion of young people aged 15-24 years who should be to have a comprehensive and correct knowledge on HIV infection and AIDS.
It is also the right of all young people in the health of the rights enshrined in international legal instruments. In 2003, the Commission issued a follow-up on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child general comment has been recognized the health and developmental needs and rights of adolescents and young adults. And over in support of those rights Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the right to health.
Health issues that affect young people
Given below are some of the key health issues that affect young people.
Pregnancy and childbirth in the early stages
Live about 16 million girls 15-19 age group each year of birth experience Aam- approximately 11% of total births recorded in all parts of the world. He spoke of the vast majority of births occur among adolescent girls in developing countries. And the superiority of the death of adolescent risk from causes related to pregnancy-risk older women due to the death of the same reasons. The higher the age of adolescence low during pregnancy increased the risk posed to the ratio. One of the things that can contribute to reducing the incidence of pregnancy very early age and enforcement of laws setting a minimum age for marriage and to improve access to information and services for the prevention of pregnancy. It should actually become pregnant teenage girls who are good services in the antenatal period and a skilled midwife to help them provide birth. The teenage girls who want to stop the pregnancy should provide them with safe abortion services, whether the law allows it.
It is noted that 40% of new HIV infections recorded worldwide in 2009 suffered from youths age 15-24. Not a day goes by only witness, another man was injured in 2400 with the virus and there, at the global level, more than 5.7 million young people living with HIV and AIDS. It must be young people know how to protect themselves and that they have the means to do so. One of those means which enable isolators prevent the transmission of the virus through sexual contact, and clean needles and syringes for those who use drugs by injection. Only 36% of boys and 24% of girls, currently, comprehensive and correct knowledge they need to protect themselves from the virus and does not have. And improve access to HIV testing and counseling of the things that will enable young people to know their status with regard to HIV and help them get what they need care, and prevention of further spread of the virus. As it should, wherever contributing social, cultural and economic conditions in the increased exposure of young people to HIV infection, adopt effective preventive strategy to address these factors as well.
Many boys and girls enter, in developing countries, adolescence and are malnourished, making them more susceptible than others to the risk of disease and premature death. In contrast, increasing exposure of young people, in low-income countries and high-income countries alike, to overweight and obesity (Two other two forms of malnutrition that lead to serious health consequences are imposed, the long-term, heavy financial burden on health systems). It is the foundation that enables ensure good health in old age to begin pursuing appropriate feeding habits of healthy diet and physical activity in young adulthood. It is also important to prevent nutritional problems, advise and provide food and micronutrient supplementation (for pregnant teens, for example), and detection of health problems (such as anemia) and management quickly and effectively when they occur.
Mental Health
Faces about 20% of teenagers, at some point, the problem of mental health problems, most commonly depression or anxiety. And increases the risk of exposure to these problems experiences of violence and humiliation, diminishing the value and poverty, and that suicide is a leading cause of death among young people. One of the things that can help to promote mental health building life skills in children and teenagers and provide them with psycho-social support in schools and other community locations. It should, if problems appeared, disclosure and management by qualified health workers with qualifications in this area.
Tobacco use
The vast majority of tobacco users start that substance abuse in adolescence. There are currently more than 150 million young people who use tobacco, and this number is on the rise around the world, especially among girls. It is worth mentioning that half of those young people will die in the early stages as a result of tobacco use. It is known that tobacco advertising ban and raising the prices of tobacco products and enact laws prohibiting smoking in public places of the things that contribute to the reduction of the number of people attempting to use those products. Such measures also contribute to reducing the amount of tobacco consumed by smokers and increase the numbers of young people who quit smoking.
Use of alcohol is harmful
Increasing prevalence of alcohol harmful among young people in many countries. It is noted that alcohol abuse starts at an early age: Reports indicate that 14% of teenage girls and 18% of teens from 13-15 years age group abusing alcohol in low-income countries. The cause of this phenomenon in the loss of the ability to exercise restraint and to increase risky behaviors. It is worth mentioning that drinking alcohol is harmful of the most important reasons behind the occurrence of injuries (including injuries resulting from traffic accidents) and violence (especially domestic violence), and premature death. And a ban on alcohol advertising and organizing capabilities obtained from effective strategies to reduce the spread of this phenomenon among young people. It can contribute to the reduction of this phenomenon to provide advice and guidance to the brief disclosed.
Violence of the main causes of death among young people, particularly males: not a day passes but witnessing the death of around 430 young people from 10-24 years age group by the violence perpetrated against each other. There are, in each case, and deaths due to violence, about 20 to 40 young people who need to be treated at the hospital for injuries related to violence.
One of the things that can help to prevent violence enhance communication between parents and children in the early stages of their lives and training of children to equip them with the necessary life skills, and reduce access to alcohol and means of murder, such as firearms. Also provide victims of violence of teenagers care services that take into account the sensitivity and continue to support measures that can contribute to address the effects of physical and psychological violence alike.
Unintentional injuries are the leading cause of death and disability among young people. And traffic accidents claim the lives of some 700 young people every day. And to provide advice to young people about driving safely, and rigorously laws that prohibit driving under the influence of alcohol and drug enforcement, and increase access to reliable transportation and safe course of action for the reduction of traffic accidents recorded among young people. It can, if an accident of traffic accidents occurred, saving the lives of people accelerate their access to effective services of trauma care services.
WHO's response
WHO play a variety of functions in order to improve the health of young people, including:
Calculate the number of young people who die and are exposed to diseases and injuries, and the number of young people who spirited practices can exposure to diseases or injuries in the future. It also includes an estimation of the societal factors that hinder or help adolescent health and development.
Determine the most effective ways to enhance young people's health, and prevention of health problems, and respond to them when they occur;
Development of methods and tools that can be used for the application of evidence in the countries;
Ensure the existence of the necessary groups of individuals and institutions capable of applying such evidence in the countries;
Raise public awareness, and awareness of special groups, relevant issues;
Build mutual understanding between partners and mutual feeling the desired goal of the procedures to be performed;
Support countries in the formulation of policies and programs, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
Was, during the Sixty-fourth World Health Assembly in 2011, the adoption of a resolution on youth and health risks.
Health risks to young people and proposed solutions
Reviewed by Saraxarin
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