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Summer Skin Care tips |
The summer heat means that we naturally wear short, light clothes, exposing our bodies and faces to the elements. Now is the time to prepare our skin to sustain it through the summer: Remove the grey layer of dead cells, enrich the skin with deep penetrating moisturizers, and recover its softness while nourishing it with vital minerals and vitamins.
Sound complicated? It's actually very simple. The following tips will show you how dedicating only a few minutes of skin care daily can have lasting results – long after the summer is over.
Removal of excess layers
While peeling off layers of clothing, we can also gently peel and remove the layer of dead cells to uncover fresh and clean skin. Both products, SEACRET, Dead Sea Purifying Peeling Milk and SEACRET, Dead Sea Mineral Rich Peeling Gel are made up of very fine granulesand a complex of Dead Sea minerals, vitamins and plant extracts that give your face a fresh glow and immediate radiance.
Peeling is essential to stimulate processes of removing dead skin cells, grease, excess make-up and dirt that clogs the pores. It helps the skin absorb the nourishing ingredients and skin care products we apply more easily and efficiently.
Although the humidity generally keeps our skin from feeling dry, the second important step is to moisturize the skin. The sun's rays and extreme heat cause the skin to lose moisture rapidly, without the sense of tautness and dryness we feel during more moderate seasons. The high level of humidity in the air also draws on some of the skin's moisture (by a diffusion process). This means it is imperative that you use even more moisturizer during the summer season, preferably light gels or creams, such as SEACRET Dead Sea Essential Moisture Face Cream, that absorb easily - reviving the skin and leaving it fresh.
The damage exposure to the sun can cause makes it essential for us to the apply moisturizers that contain vitamins and plant extracts rich in antioxidants in order to neutralize the free radicals caused by the UV rays.
While refreshing your face, don't forget the rest of your body. Here too, daily use of soap with peeling granules helps slough off dead skin and prepares the skin to absorb the light creamy textures of products such as the SEACRET Dead Sea Body Lotion that is absorbed quickly and nourishes the skin with vital Dead Sea minerals.
The sun's UV rays
The American Dermatological Association announced over a decade ago that research had shown that exposure to the sun is the main cause for premature aging of the skin. Over the years, they have refined recommendations on how to best use and benefit from sunscreens. First, they recommend distinguishing between sun screens and skin care products.
Secondly, it is important to match the sunscreen to the degree and length of the exposure to the sun. Namely, if you plan on being on the beach, you will need a sunscreen with a high SPF factor (SPF 30 and more), for a drive to the office in the car, a regular (SPF 15-30) sunscreen is sufficient. It is recommended to apply sunscreen to already moisturized skin aboutone hour before leaving the house. It is also important to apply a generous quantity to ensure that all exposed areas are covered completely. When on the beach, remember to reapply sunscreen after every dip in the sea.
Secondly, it is important to match the sunscreen to the degree and length of the exposure to the sun. Namely, if you plan on being on the beach, you will need a sunscreen with a high SPF factor (SPF 30 and more), for a drive to the office in the car, a regular (SPF 15-30) sunscreen is sufficient. It is recommended to apply sunscreen to already moisturized skin aboutone hour before leaving the house. It is also important to apply a generous quantity to ensure that all exposed areas are covered completely. When on the beach, remember to reapply sunscreen after every dip in the sea.
Daily Damage Repair
The skin's natural mechanism works all night to repair the damages it suffers during the day. This is especially true during the summer, however, we can provide the skin the essential nourishment it needsto rehabilitate itself during the night.
At night the skin neutralizes the new free radicals, repairs damage caused to the external layer of cellsby UV rays, and tries to replenish themoisture levels throughout the different skin layers -all of which can be boosted by anexternal application of highly concentrated minerals, vitamins and hydrants. Nightly application of a rich moisturizer, such asSEACRET Dead Sea Intensive Moisture Night Cream and application of a rich nourishing mask such as SEACRET, Dead Sea M4 Mineral Rich Magnetic Mud at least twice a week, will enhance your skin's ability to repair its damages and let you start the new day with a vital and radiant look.
Eyes – The area around your eyes is the part of the face most sensitive to the effects of UV rays and dryness. That is why it is important to apply moisturizer on the skin around the eyes twice a day to prevent small wrinkles and dryness. Additionally, large-frame sunglasses block UV radiationand protect your vision.
Hair – Sun hats have come back into fashion, and we warmly recommend that you follow the trend, not only to shade your face but also protect your hair, especially colored hair, from losing its shine, vitality and developing split ends. Colored hair can also change its shade when coming in contact with chlorine in swimming pools or with the salt of the sea. What's more, you should rinse your hair thoroughly with clean water after every dip in the swimming pool or sea to prevent dryness and damage.
Feet – A daily massage of our exposed feet with SEACRET Dead Sea Salt&Oil Scrub, which is rich in salts and oils, will keep your tootsies smooth and prevent them from
cracking and accumulating hard skin on the heels. By applying foot cream every morning you can maintain the vitality and suppleness of the feet all day long.
Artificial tanning – is the healthy and logical way to give your skin a bronze glow. However, don't forget that most of the self-tanning products on the market do not contain sunscreens and do no help produce the melanin that protects your skin. So, before you step out into the sun, remember to apply sunscreen to your skin, and don't forget to cover also the back of your hands, neck and shoulders.
Summer Skin Care tips
Reviewed by Saraxarin

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