#CelluliteSaturday Is The Instagram Trend Empowering Women Of All Sizes
Even models have cellulite and it's totally normal.
For too long, cellulite has been just another thing for women to dislike about their bodies. It's hidden, hated, and attacked with pricey creams and rollers that promise to make the dimples disappear. Mostly, though, it's our money and self-esteem that disappears. One thing you never do is show it off in all its glory on social media.
Until now.
Canadian body activist and vlogger Kenzie Brenna started the #CelluliteSatuday last month, a hashtag trend that encourages people to proudly post photos of their cellulite. The trend helps to empower women to love their bodies and reminds them that cellulite is perfectly normal. It also helps to clear up the misconception that only overweight and unhealthy people have it.
"I exercise 5x a week, I will murder you at cardio (my cardiovascular system is off the hizzy), I foam roll, I do yoga, I stretch, I eat my greens and I drink over a gallon of water every day. I used to use creams, I used to dry brush, I got massages and considered surgery. SO, don't tell me that I have to be more fit, more healthy, more this, more that, don't tell me to try your cream or that I need to create more blood flow to the places where my cellulite exists," Brenna wrote in her first #CelluliteSaturday post. "My friends, my cellulite is here to stay. And I am fucking okay with that."
Cellulite affects about 90 percent of women and 10 percent of men. People of all shapes and sizes can have it, even super skinny models.
"[Cellulite] isn't an indication of health, and it isn't an indication of self-worth," Brenna told Self. "I hope that when people click on the hashtag, they recognize [cellulite] is a part of our bodies that can be totally acceptable and we don't have to get rid of it. This is just another aspect of having a physical body."
#CelluliteSaturday Is The Instagram Trend Empowering Women Of All Sizes
Reviewed by Saraxarin

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