Causes of lethargy..By : Saraxarin

Causes of lethargy

We show in this common reasons (not diseases) drains the energy body, also show some tips on how to overcome them.

Large sitting area and TV addiction

Sitting in one position for a long period of time can draining energy, even if the person watching TV or using the computer, that inactivity is equivalent to sleep the body.

Solution: the multiplication of altmght or tensile, and that person stands and walks away from the Office or couch; he took frequent breaks to make the person vigilant and active.

Bad postures

The body consumes a lot of energy to be upright. A lot of wrong or bad postures, such as relaxing on the seat and the curvature of the body makes the spine in a slanting or inconsistent. The more money the spine, muscles consume more energy to balance the tilt.

Solution: whether the person moving or sitting or standing, must raise his head and bend forward, so that the ears over shoulders straight.

Harsh diet

These diets or diets harm the body, although it enhances energy to lose the excess weight, and low calorie diets, especially those containing less than 850 calories a day, makes a person feel tired and can harm the health of another.

Solution: you can lose weight by eating healthy and avoiding unhealthy foods and foods with high sugar, and reduce the quantities of food. You should aim to lose no more than kg per week.

Collateral home

Easy to sit at home, especially for women with small children, working from home, or sitting at home because of the cold weather. But the lack of exposure to light and fresh air is one of the main causes of fatigue.

Solution: the person must walk outside the home for 10 minutes at least once a day if he felt tired. Even if the weather is cloudy, the person will be exposed to natural light more than staying at home, and the person will feel more actively. Simply put, if the person was unable to break out, could be exposed to the Sun in his room for a few minutes.

Breakfast cereal made from sweetened with sugar

The food, such as cereals and pastries, cakes and bread toasted with some sugary products, will provide the person with a quick intake of energy and sugars. But will decrease the blood sugar level just hours later. The result of the energy of the body or depletion.

Solution: for a fixed amount of energy throughout the morning, the breakfast contains unrefined starch. For example, you must prepare the porridge at home, add low-fat milk and a little honey, or breakfast prepared from whole grains, with the addition of sliced fruit or eating eggs with toasted bread that contains whole grains. They prefer to try out person breakfast made of whole grains that contain salts and sugars are low.

Continuing concern

If the person in distress or discomfort or tension of something all day, that lead to increased heart rate and high blood pressure, muscle spasm, leading to fatigue and pain in the body.

Solution: the best time to think about the concerns that occupy the person, trying to think of positive solutions, then put the concerns out of mind. It also should be a dentist, for example, in the morning, don't even spend the whole day and person is concerned.

Excessive exercise or physical activity

That regular exercise is good for health, but exercise intensely every day may not be good for the body's energy level, especially if a person is a novice or trying to get back to fitness.

Solution: full day rest between days where person sport. But preferably not leave person exercise for more than two or three days, because that would lead to the abandonment of the practice.
Causes of lethargy..By : Saraxarin Causes of lethargy..By : Saraxarin Reviewed by Saraxarin on 05:19:00 Rating: 5

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